Chart Add-ons

Add commonly used chart features and decorations to existing charts with ease

Growth Arrow

Many column-based charts include growth arrows showing CAGR or other growth rates. These arrows are often imprecisely drawn as Office shapes, requiring tedious formatting and not updating with data changes.

Macabacus adds growth arrows as a new data series. To add a growth arrow, select your stacked or clustered column chart and click Macabacus > Charts > Growth Arrow . Customize the arrow in the resulting dialog, with preferences saved for future use.

Accepted chart types

Growth Arrow works with stacked column and clustered column charts, only. If you add a growth arrow to a clustered column chart, only the first clustered column series will be used to compute the growth arrow.

The Growth Arrow dialog computes a CAGR based on chart data. You can override this by entering a growth rate manually or selecting a cell containing the desired rate. Adjust the arrow and its data label formatting, and position the arrow to avoid overlap with other chart elements.

Macabacus lets you add the growth arrow as either a dynamic series linked to worksheet data or a static series that doesn't update with data changes. A dynamic series uses formulas and adds rows to your worksheet to compute the arrow position. A static arrow is hardcoded into the chart but can be updated by reopening the Growth Arrow dialog. A static arrow is useful for "quick and dirty" charts with unchanging data or when avoiding worksheet changes.

Excel Table Bug

If a chart with data structured as a table (not to be confused with a TABLE() formula array) has a fixed growth arrow, the arrow may disappear when exporting the chart to PowerPoint/Word or copying the worksheet. This Excel bug has two workarounds: (a) convert the table to a range before performing these operations, or (b) use dynamic growth arrows.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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