Share Settings


Shared settings in Macabacus are configured by an administrator to ensure uniform formatting and a standardized user experience across the organization. These settings can apply to specific Office applications or be common across all Office applications. However, not all Macabacus settings can be shared, as some tools need to remain customizable by end-users.

Publish Shared Settings

Before sharing settings, customize the settings you intend to share as desired on your computer; your local settings are what will be shared with others. Then, publish your settings as follows:

  1. Open the Share Settings dialog by clicking the Macabacus > Settings > Share button in Excel, PowerPoint, or Word.
  2. Select the settings you want to share. Keep in mind that end users without administrator privileges cannot modify settings shared with them. Therefore, be mindful of which settings you publish.
  3. Verify that the Publish Destination (cloud or shared network/cloud folder) is set as desired. If not, see the guidance below.
  4. Click thePublish Now button.

The next time your users start Excel, PowerPoint, or Word, Macabacus will automatically download shared settings from the server and overwrite users' local settings.

Administrator privileges required

To prevent unauthorized changes, only Macabacus users that are also designated as account administrators can publish shared settings, unless the Office application is run as an administrator.

Publish Destination

The easiest way to share Macabacus settings across your organization is to publish them to the cloud, where they are stored on Macabacus' server. Shared settings do not contain sensitive information, so there should be no security or privacy concerns with this method. Alternatively, shared settings can be published to a shared network or cloud folder, such as OneDrive or Dropbox.

Update this setting in the Configuration > Share Settings section of your Admin Console.

If you choose to disable cloud sharing in your Admin Console, you will be prompted to specify a shared network or cloud folder path. An example of a shared network folder is N:\Software\Macabacus . To avoid typos, copy and paste the folder path rather than typing it manually. Additionally, you will need to download this placeholder file and save it to the specified shared network or cloud folder path.

A shared cloud folder is used by cloud storage services like OneDrive and Dropbox. For example, a OneDrive path might beC:\Users\John Doe\OneDrive - MyCompany\Software\Macabacus . Since this path is not accessible to other users, replace the "root" portion of the path with the%CLOUD_FOLDER% placeholder. In this case, you would specify%CLOUD_FOLDER%\Software\Macabacus as the shared settings location. On Jane Doe's computer, this will resolve to C:\Users\Jane Doe\OneDrive - MyCompany\Software\Macabacus .

Users with individual subscriptions

If you want to share settings among users who have purchased Macabacus subscriptions individually and are not consolidated under a single account, you must use a shared network/cloud folder for this purpose.

Network Access

End users require read access to the shared network folder where the shared settings configuration file is published.


After making changes to settings that you share, open the Share Settings dialog, verify that the updated settings you intend to share are still selected, and click the Publish Now button. The new settings will overwrite those that were previously shared.


To unpublish settings, deselect the desired boxes in the Share Settings dialog and click the Publish Now button.

Other Publishing Options

If your organization has a small number of Macabacus users and limited IT support, and publishing to the cloud is not possible because your users have individual subscriptions, you can share Macabacus settings across your organization by configuring Macabacus on a single PC, then export your settings to an XML file. Email this file to other Macabacus users with instructions to import settings from this file. Note that users will not be prevented from making changes to these settings and are not required to implement them.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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