Financial Modeling

Summary Statistics

When performing a comparable companies/acquisitions analysis, it is customary to include summary statistics (e.g., min/max, mean, median) below the data set as shown in the image below. Macabacus automates this process, and can populate these statistics with the click of the button.

First, select the data for which you want to compute statistics, as shown above. The first column in your selection is the column in which the statistic labels (e.g., "Min," "Average") will be placed. Next, click the Macabacus > Formulas > Summary Statistics button to insert the summary statistics. Macabacus will insert enough rows to accommodate the summary statistics to ensure that no cells below the data are overwritten.

Macabacus adapts number formatting of statistics to match your selected data. If only the first row of your data includes percent signs or other indicators, Macabacus will apply these formats to the first row of statistics. If all rows use the same format, Macabacus will apply it to all rows of statistics.

In the Summary Statistics dialog, you can customize which statistics to compute and change their labels (e.g., "Average" to "Mean"). You can also choose to ignore currencies when computing statistics. Macabacus remembers your settings, so after initial configuration, you only need to hit enter to populate the statistics unless changes are needed.

Add Scenarios

Use the Add Scenarios tool to add scenarios, or cases, to your financial projections. Scenarios are often used in financial modeling to project inputs like growth rates and margins that drive results. Common scenarios include an "upside case," a "management case," and a "downside case."

To add scenarios, select the range of cells for the scenarios (e.g., growth rate inputs for sales projections). Ensure the selection includes a single row and two or more columns. Click Macabacus > Formulas > Add Scenarios in the dialog, specify scenario names and choose whether they are local (one-time use) or global (reuse throughout the model), then click OK.

With global scenarios, a single master toggle changes the active scenario for multiple input drivers. Macabacus adds a range name "Scenario" to your workbook, referring to the master toggle cell. Validation is applied to this cell, allowing only valid scenario numbers. This validation is essential for applying global scenarios throughout your model. Removing this validation or the "Scenarios" range name will prevent Macabacus from adding more global scenarios.

Replicate Model

Replicating a module lets you reuse a piece of analysis or part of a model efficiently. For example, you can replicate a P&L for multiple business segments and consolidate them into one P&L. Macabacus can replicate a module multiple times on the same worksheet or on separate worksheets, creating exact copies.

To Replicate a Module in Excel

  1. Select the cell range to be replicated, including all components to be copied such as titles, column headers, item labels, etc. The module to be copied must be a contiguous range of cells.
  2. Click the Macabacus > Formulas > Replicate Module button.
  3. Specify your desired settings in the Replicate Module dialog (pictured). See below for a description of various Replicate Module settings. These settings will be retained for the next time Replicate Module is used.

Same Worksheet

When replicating modules on the same worksheet, Macabacus inserts new modules directly below the original, adding rows as needed.

Separate Worksheets

When replicating modules on separate worksheets, Macabacus creates a new worksheet for each module, using the specified base name. For example, if the base name is "Balance Sheet," new worksheets will be named "Balance Sheet 1," "Balance Sheet 2," etc.

Sum Copies

You can sum each new module into the original module. Macabacus intelligently sums numeric inputs while ignoring dates and text.

Quick CAGR

Macabacus can quickly insert compound annual growth rate (CAGR) formulas, so you don't have to remember the formula or manually count periods. Just place the cursor in a cell where you want to insert a CAGR, and click the Macabacus > Formulas > Quick CAGR button.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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