Meta Shapes

Meta Content is a Macabacus tool that enhances PowerPoint library content with metadata for improved discovery and organization.


Meta Content is similar to regular library content, except that metadata describing the content is published to libraries alongside the content itself to facilitate discovery in the Library pane. The types of Meta Content available and some of their use cases are:

Meta Slides, which are similar to regular slides but published with metadata for filtering in the Library pane, with use cases including credentials, case studies, and biographies;

Meta Shapes, which are similar to regular shapes but published with metadata for filtering in the Library pane, with use cases such as tombstones; and

Archived Decks, which are completed presentations archived in libraries and published with metadata for filtering in the Library pane, with use cases including client pitches and conference presentations.

Using MetaContent

Access Meta Content just like any other library content—using the Macabacus' Library pane.

Inserting tombstones from the Library pane


To find Meta Content relevant to your presentation, expand the Filters section at the top of the Library pane and apply the desired filters. For example, you can filter for case studies based on specific date ranges, deal values, industry sectors, or specific advisory roles your firm played (e.g., lead bookrunner). The available filtering options are determined by how you or your administrator have configured Macabacus.

Use the Search bar at the top of the Library pane as another way to filter results. Macabacus will search any text that appears in content for matches. Note that the search bar does not search Meta Content data—use filters for that.


Once you have filtered your Meta Content as desired, use the links at the bottom of the Filters section to sort them by any available field. For example, in pitchbooks, tombstones are usually sorted by transaction date or deal value in descending order.


Once you have filtered your Meta Content as desired, use the links at the bottom of the Filters panel to sort them by any available field. Press the Clear link to clear the applied filters.

Insert Meta Content into your presentation by clicking the Insert button or dragging the content (e.g., Meta Shapes) onto your slide. When inserting Meta Shapes, Macabacus prompts you for how you want to lay them out on your slide, and arranges them into evenly spaced columns within the bounds of the body placeholder shape in your slide master.

Meta Shapes involving image files are inserted onto your slide as pictures at the size intended for use, and subsequent resizing may lead to undesirable image distortion.

When inserting four or more Meta Shapes, Macabacus prompts you for how you want to lay them out on your slide, and offers several arrangement options.

Meta Shapes involving image files are inserted onto your slide as pictures at the size intended for use, and subsequent resizing may lead to undesirable image distortion.

Configuring MetaContent

Before using Meta Content as described above, you must configure the Data Group’s fields, and then publish the content to a Macabacus library, generally in that order. These steps are described in more detail below.

What is a Data Group?

A data group provides structure for the metadata that describes certain types of content (e.g., tombstones, case studies) published to Macabacus libraries. You can think of data groups and their fields as tables and columns in a database used to organize your metadata.

For example, when publishing a case study slide to a library, you can specify metadata such as the client’s name, industry, geography, type of work performed, who prepared the case study, and other relevant fields. This metadata helps end users easily find the case study in the library and insert it into their presentations.

It's important to carefully consider your metadata structure and apply good database design principles. To illustrate this concept, imagine we need to record the height and width of rectangles. We would set up a database table with columns for height and width. Now, if we also want to record the radius of circles, adding another column to the existing table would not be ideal. Instead, good database design principles suggest creating a new table specifically for circles with a single column for radius.

For a real-world example, suppose an investment bank uses Macabacus libraries to store tombstones (Meta Shapes) documenting completed transactions (deals). The bank's M&A, Equity Capital Markets, and Debt Capital Markets teams each handle different types of transactions, requiring distinct data structures. For instance, the mix of primary and secondary shares sold in an IPO would not apply to an M&A deal. Therefore, the bank would set up separate data groups under the Meta Shapes category for each team, each containing fields (database columns) relevant to the deals produced by that team.

The first step in using Meta Content with Macabacus is to configure the fields that store data and provide filtering/sorting options for end users. Think of these fields as columns in a database that must be filled in for each piece of Meta Content you publish. Common fields for Meta Content include deal size, closing date, advisory role, and industry, among others.

To configure Meta Content fields, open the Library Manager dialog and go to the Library Data section. Here, you can create a new Data Group under the type of content you want to organize (e.g., Meta Shapes, Meta Slides, Archived Decks). Macabacus also provides several sample Data Groups with pre-populated fields, which you can edit or remove as needed.

Tombstone Fields

Field Selection

Give careful consideration to the Meta Content fields you select and the options presented when configuring these fields. If you are creating a library of Meta Content for use across your company, be sure to solicit input from the business units that will be working with the content. Remember that these fields will be primarily used by end users to filter content in the Library pane, so adding more fields than necessary for filtering purposes can lead to adverse performance consequences and make publishing Meta Content more burdensome.

Available data types for fields are as follows: a) Boolean; b) Date; c) Decimal; d) Integer; e)List; f)Text

Fields with the "List" data type allow users to select from predefined options when publishing and filtering Meta Content, so carefully consider which list options you specify.

Required Fields

Although you can require certain fields to be populated when publishing Meta Content, be mindful that some information, such as the closing date or deal value, may be unknown when dealing with pending transactions. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider which fields should be mandatory.

Editing Fields

You can add, remove, and edit fields after publishing tombstones, but keep in mind the following:

  • When adding a new field, the field will be blank for previously published tombstones until retroactively populated in the Library Data dialog.
  • Removing a field will also delete any data associated with that field from the library.
  • Editing an existing field (e.g., changing its name or list options) will not impact tombstone data.

After making changes to Meta Shape fields, be sure to republish shared settings as described below, if applicable.

Shared Settings

If your organization uses Meta Content in a shared Macabacus library, you must publish the Meta Content fields as shared settings. To do this, open the Share Settings from the Macabacus > Settings menu, check the boxes for Meta Shapes ,Meta Slides , and/or Archived Decks , and then proceed with publishing the Meta Content as described elsewhere in this documentation.

Access Restrictions

To modify Meta Content fields in the Library Manager dialog, you must be a Macabacus or Windows administrator.

Publishing Meta Content

Once you have created your Meta Content (e.g., Meta Slides or Meta Shapes) in PowerPoint, follow these steps to publish it:

  1. Select the shape if you are publishing a Meta Shape.
  2. Open the Library Manager .
  3. Navigate to the relevant Meta Content enabled group.
  4. Click the Publish to Group button to open a dialog that prompts you for information about the published content based on your defined Meta Content fields. Required inputs are marked accordingly in the Library Manager dialog (see Configuring Meta Content).
  5. Populate the required data.
  6. Click the Publish button to publish the Meta Content to the library of your choosing.

After publishing, you may need to restart PowerPoint forthe Meta Content to appear in your library.

Library Data

The Library Data dialog provides a convenient way to view and edit all your library data and can be accessed by pressing the Data  button when viewing a meta content enabled group within the Library Assets section of the Library Manager.

Tombstone Data

To preserve data integrity, Macabacus will not apply changes described below until the Commit  button is pressed. Macabacus will then prompt, asking if you’re sure you want to commit changes. Upon pressing OK , you will then be prompted to type in ‘save’ to apply the changes to your library data.

Edit data by selecting the desired cell and clicking into its contents or keying F2 .

Delete any piece of Meta Content by selecting the content (if in Data View), or thumbnail (if in Thumbnail View) and press the delete button at the bottom of the dialog box. Deleting a row of data or a thumbnail will delete the related content and its respective metadata from the Library.

Export data to a new Excel workbook by checking the desired tombstone rows and clicking the Export button.

Import metadata from the active Excel workbook into the preconfigured fields. For each field, select the applicable column that contains the desired data input. Staged data can be deleted after import by pressing the Unstage button.

To modify tombstone data in the Tombstone Data dialog, you must be a Macabacus or Windows administrator.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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