Number Formats

Number Format Cycles

A number format cycle applies a number format to selected cells using keyboard shortcuts. Repeat a cycle's shortcut keystroke to apply the next format in the cycle to the selection.

Too many number formats

If a number format cycle does not appear to be working, the workbook may contain too many number formats (an Excel limitation). Try removing unused number formats from the workbook.

If you receive an "Invalid number format" error when customizing number format cycles, the active workbook may contain too many number formats. In this scenario, open a new workbook and try again.

General Cycle

Example: 1,000; 1,000.0; 1000

Multiple Cycle

Example: 8.9x; 1.25x

Local Currency Cycle

Example: $345; $1,234.5; $15.75

Date Cycle

Example: 9/30/2016; 2016-09-30; Sep 30, 2016

Foreign Currency Cycle

Example: €500.0; ¥20,000; £14.5

Binary Cycle

Example: Yes/No; Y/N; On/Off; True/False

Percent Cycle

Example: 49.9%; 150bps; L+350

Ratio Cycle

Example: 1.23:1; 6/10


Macabacus includes curated number formats for financial modeling, facilitating alignment of currencies, percentages, and positive/negative values. Customize these formats in the Excel > Format > Numberssection of the Settings dialog. To align numbers to the right, check Align numbers right.To italicize percentage formats, check Italicize percentages.

If you need assistance with understanding number formats, see this Microsoft guidance.

International currencies

A single dollar sign ("$") in a number format instructs Excel to apply the currency symbol (e.g.,"€", "£") set in Windows. To ensure that currencies are formatted in USD, regardless of your Windows currency symbol setting, replace all occurrences of "$" with "[$$]" in your currency number formats.

Decimal Adjustment

Thousands and decimal separators

For optimal Increase/Decrease Decimals performance, ensure that your thousands and decimal separator (e.g., "," and ".") settings in Excel match your system separator settings.

Increase Decimals

Increase the number of decimal places shown for numeric values in selected cells. Repeat to continue increasing the number of decimal places shown.

Decrease Decimals

Decrease the number of decimal places shown for numeric values in selected cells. Repeat to continue increasing the number of decimal places shown.

Shift Decimal Left

Shift the decimal point to the left for all numeric inputs within the selected range of cells. This has the same effect as dividing by 10. Repeat to continue shifting the decimal point to the left. Note that this operation works on numeric inputs, only, and will not modify formulas.

Shift Decimal Right

Shift the decimal point to the right for all numeric inputs within the selected range of cells. This has the same effect as multiplying by 10. Repeat to continue shifting the decimal point to the right. Note that this operation works on numeric inputs, only, and will not modify formulas.

This documentation refers to the latest Macabacus version. Some features and descriptions of these features may not apply to older versions of Macabacus. Update your Macabacus software to take advantage of the latest features.

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